|do you really think the people that
|embrace the new tools, are simply trying to recreate
|what the people with the old tools were doing 12, to
|20 years ago?  Absolutely not.  If that were the
|case, just go buy a drum set, or learn to play the
|guitar, or even buy an 808 or 909 drum machine...
|A 303 perhaps?  

 I think the majority *are* trying to recreate something, particularly where 
electronic music is
concerned. Why buy that 808/303/&etc. when there's Rebirth/Reaktor/Reason? 
Analog Modeling Synths?
Emulators for everything? You're right about people resisting new technologies, 
but I think it's
largely a reaction to how these new technologies are perceived. In each case I 
think the hype
reaches a point where a new innovation is elevated beyond the status of "cool 
new instrument", to
*a replacement for some other instrument*. In each case that "other instrument" 
is irreplaceable.
If you want to create *original* trap-set breakbeats the only thing *to* do is 
learn to play
drums; a drum machine or sampler just isn't the same. But, (& this is 
important, & thanks for
bearing with me) the flipside to this is that a drum machine and sampler can do 
things no "live"
drummer could manage. So, yeah; let's see what these new toys can do, progress 
is great, but in
our enthusiasm we shouldn't disrespect people by suggesting that they are 
somehow rendered
obsolete in the process. We've only come this far by following in their 


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