With that, I'd like to publically thank (313)'s Robin Pinning,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and Bond ... Alex Bond for taking the
time to spend 8 hours with me in Manchester a year ago, showing me
all around the centre of the city ("where all roads meet, waiting
for you") and to the old Haçienda location as well as the old
Factory offices.  It was a really emotional experience for me to
finally make a pilgrimage to the place responsible for so much of
the music I held dear.  And Tony Wilson is in large part responsible
for my having made that trek.  My thoughts are with Yvette and all
the Factory fans around the world.  "Mr. Manchester" indeed.

It was a great experience for me too Greg as I learnt a few things as we went around.

Such a shame to see someone go early like that but I think he was suffering more than he let on to the press. At least he's at peace now.


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