wouldn't be the first DJs that were messed up adults
(and some of them messed up DJs weren't child prodigies mind you)


"Thomas D. Cox, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 09/14/2007 02:54:53

> On 9/14/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > *bangs head against wall*
> >
> > give them time for chrissake!  They are eight and five!
> >
> > "there's no soul there"
> > give them a break
> > they've got the fader skills - if they get the "soul" then what will be
> > left to be critical about?
> >
> > jezuz - they're kids
> >
> > I think the subject line is being taken a little too seriously.
> im not taking anything too seriously. i just dont like kind of
> parenting that is involved with any of that kind of prodigy kind of
> thing. kids end up messed up as adults. i make sure my son hears lots
> of music, but im not sitting there running drills with him on the
> crossfader. thats completely retarded IMO.
> tom

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