<troll head> Nah, this is nowt but a pageant show with decks :)

you're assuming a whole lot about the relationship between the parents and
the kids by a grand total of about 15 minutes of turntablist video
you shouldn't judge their relationship (the very little you see here) based
on the relationship you have with your son

just because the kids are good at it doesn't mean that they are prodigies
in the sense that you're implying
kids learn fast - both physical and mental skills (like language), I'm sure
you know that

maybe the kids picked this up quickly by being exposed to a massive wall of
records, their dad being a good turntablist, and generally being around the
culture all day for their, so far, very short lives
how they'll turn out as adults depends on many factors beyond how much they
practice something they seem to enjoy


"Thomas D. Cox, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 09/14/2007 02:54:53

*bangs head against wall*

give them time for chrissake!  They are eight and five!

"there's no soul there"
give them a break
they've got the fader skills - if they get the "soul" then what will be
left to be critical about?

jezuz - they're kids

I think the subject line is being taken a little too seriously.
im not taking anything too seriously. i just dont like kind of
parenting that is involved with any of that kind of prodigy kind of
thing. kids end up messed up as adults. i make sure my son hears lots
of music, but im not sitting there running drills with him on the
crossfader. thats completely retarded IMO.


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