Well, in my experience label and artist split the profit of a release 50/50. If you're lucky you'll get an advance on this one. For that you'll give the label the permission to do whatever they feel is right with this particular recording.



Having never been on the producer side of things, I'm curious if
anyone can illuminate some of the basics when it comes to artist
compensation for small record labels (the kind most of us buy our
vinyl from).

So if Producer A  writes a track, how does he/she sell it to a small
electronic label?  Is he/she paid a one-time fee for the track or are
they given a percentage based on how many prints of the track sell?
I'm interested in how this works with our music and small labels, not
the rest of the music world.

Maybe some of the people on here who've been producing for years can
illuminate this for us?

Obviously the focus should always be on the ends (good music) and not
the means (how much $$ am I getting for it), but this seems like an
interesting topic to me....

-Arturo Lopez-

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