I listened to this a couple of years ago when Mitch had it as a free
download from his website, enjoyed it then and I am enjoying now.
Dimitri those remixes are pretty good, like most of your music I have
heard they would suit a nice extended 3 deck mix.


On Nov 7, 2007 6:37 AM, Wildtek Concept / DJ Dimitri Pike
> > Crikey D, that's a bit gushing - I wouldn't say I'd got the finest ears,
> > biggest mouth maybe :)
> Crikey he he , just my perso opinion, no seriously, regarding the music from
> Dust and DS93, I don''t lie saying you got some fine ears ...
> > > Mitch for the experimental/ambient side and myself for a more techy trip.
> > I'll feedback when we've fired it up on the studio speakers, keep going
> > fella, I'm enjoying the stuff you are doing.
> Much respect for this !
> Talk to you soon !
> Peace
> Dimitri
> --
> Dimitri Pike
> http://wildtek.free.fr
> http://www.myspace.com/wildtek

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