If the distrib fronts money for pressing/promo/whatever and it is not
a p&d agreement...unless it is a pathetically bad p&d, which many are.
And the label hasn't been doing well enough to pay back the fronted
$$. I don't know how else.

that's too bad about amato. i'd actually never heard of them though.

(underground) record sales have been solid for about 2 years. the sky
fell and the decline ended quite awhile ago. sales are generally lower
than in the past for established labels, but it's not bad. an upturn
would be great. i can almost see it happening. because cd's suck and
mp3's suck. generic corporate objects and ethereal digital media must
be leaving people a little hungry?! oh well, maybe not

> how does a label go about owing a distributor?!?!?!
> tom

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