If I ever get there, I want to feast on eierkuchen in honor of the first Love Parade...

Martin Dust wrote:
Berlin is well worth a visit if you can make it over. Tresor is absolutely massive, the upstairs room could hold 1000 people with ease and the sound system downstairs is one of the loudest we've ever played on. It's also one of the strangest, the bass is complete separated into it's own stack and when you fire it up everything in the room that isn't nailed down vibrates like mad, it just fills the air with dust :) The room has clearly been set up for madness, watching people struggle down the long corridor raised a few smiles. The people where great and the only thing we struggled with was the menus, our German is rubbish so each meal was surprise :)


On 29 Jan 2008, at 06:08, Richard Hester wrote:

Sad to say, never been to Berlin, or either incarnation of the Tresor - it's nice to see that they tried to retain some of the grimy industrial ambiance of the power station for the new locale. I'd love to hear some nice, gritty techno there.

Went over to Watergate to see Oliver Ho the night after, lots of great techno and long drinking sessions - good stuff.

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