hey francis

thanks for the compliments

that's Fabrice Lig's remix of the Hundulu track by Chymera,
out since end October I believe



All quiet on 313 last few days so I'll fire a slew of questions out  ;-)
I guess I could just send this to Marsel but maybe to the list is nice as it 
highlights what a roll Delsin are on at the moment.
In my usual lack-of-time tardy way I only got to listen to the "Delsin New Season 
Winter 2007" mix
(http://www.delsin.org/audio/DelsinNewSeasonMixWinter2007.mp3) recently, really enjoying this, I think I want to get everything that's coming out!
I'm not sure if a track list went up when the mix got posted on here 
originally, if it did can someone forward it to me?
If not I'd at least like to know what track it is that kicks in at about 26 
mins and can you tell us when it will be available sir?
(if it isn't already).

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