>From what I know, certain people in Detroit with influence already
>expressed their views (ie take a break this year and plan carefully)
>and Paxahau chose to go on. These people are still supportive of
>Paxahau, which is great.

Yeah, but they live there, which means they can give support by simply
having the right attitude and saying a few words to other POI. Being a
person of "influence" means they probably won't pay a dime to get in
either. Support by a guy from London means plane tickets, hotels,
attitude, and much more effort. Ask yourself, if these "people of
influence" would fly across an ocean to come to this festival on their
own hard earned dime after having their views disregarded. Bet not.

>n turn, I just feel we should now be at least be supportive of
>axahau, rather than write off and whinge about everything. If you
>eel so strongly about the steps they have taken, why not just write
>o them directly?

Being a person of distinct non-influence in Detroit, I have a hard time
seeing the logic in that given the disregard for others they've already
displayed. And as Tom said, not my job.

>If the community on the ground in Detroit is being supportive, then at
>least we should be too.

Never really been a bandwagon type. I got my own head.

>We should be writing about the things we are excited to see in
>Detroit, rather than the things we don't want to see.

Bullshxt. We write about what we like and dislike. It just so happens
that there're more things to dislike every year. That sucks and I think
it needs to be said. Can you give me a few things that you like about
this years festival that were not there before? Go on, think about it.
Any new sick Detroit talent that never got exposed? Cool new directions?
New concepts for stages?
...Thought not. Now how about new things that suck? Yep got the list
rolling out like toilet paper. 

Kamal "I can't believe I just replied to this thread again" Stoddard

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