On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 9:27 PM, theREALmxyzptlk

>  What's nearly as pathetic are the idiots who turn it into a vinyl vs.
> digital culture war or simply think it's a hoot.

i think its a hoot. a whole harddrive? wow that must be so hard to
replace. i feel so bad for him. not.

>  One wonders how they might feel if someone helped himself to their
> belongings. If that's what being 'hipster' is all about, the 'scene'
> deserves to collapse.

its pretty hard to run out of a club with the deejay's record bag,
though im sure it has been done before. i dont know why anyone would
assume people are anything but theives, i know i dont ever let my
records out of my sight when i have them out.


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