Has it always been configured this way...?

I went to look at a particular record label
>From the main entry of the entire discography I went to see what records of
that label were for sale

I get a list of records containing not only that label but *every* label
that contains the name of the label I'm interested in

I'm not doing a keyword search (but maybe discogs is?) - I'm jumping from
the specific label to the marketplace and I only want to see the label I'm
interested in

for example:
go to the Cheap label - and click under the shopping area to see what Cheap
label records are available
you'll get the following labels *in addition to* the one you only want to
look at

Cheap Knob Gags
Cheap Thrills
Cheap Date Records

it's really annoying if you're looking for a one word titled label that
might be a common word

it's these little annoyances that make me want to destroy

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