rob theakston wrote:
i just had some killer jambalaya.

for those of you who don't know what that is, it's a cajun dish
closely linked to paella. you get some chicken, sausage, bunch of
spices, some veggies, some rice (but not too responsible! we
have a shortage!) and put them all together in a pot and let that bad
boy simmer. it's strong, but very enjoyable.

i made some garlic bread with this...but a little bit of butter on it.
then i got some lemonade, sliced up some limes and mixed them into the
pitcher. it was a great summer lunch.

while i was enjoying this dish on the patio, someone on the local
college radio decided to play an hour of Wolfgang Voigt projects. Love
Inc, Burger Ink, Gas, MI5, Wassermann, All....they were all there.

why am I sharing this? because i want to. i don't care if it's off
topic. okay, you want some on topic related material? I thought about
the Detroit Red Wings over lunch and how they came close to blowing it
last night. There. There's some Detroit content.

so I ask the mailing list: what's your favorite jambalaya recipe? do
you have one? if not, you should. no person should go through life
without sampling this treat of a foodstuff.

I'm a vegetarian (practically a vegan), so my fave dish close to jambalaya is Moroccan Stew; my wife is making some as I type this, actually; many variations
on it; so here is just one recipe for it here:
go Pittsburgh Pengiuns (Sidney Crosby grew up in Cole Harbor NS--about
a 15 minute drive from where I'm typing this--his parents and sister still live here, and he visits regularly; have never met him, but he donates a lot of time and money
to assist local sports, and that is cool by me)

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