This article is interesting, but it gives no clue about why people started singing like this. Well, the most probable cause lies in the early black music brought by the diaspora to the americas, when black people from africa sung in their own native languages. When these languages were forgotten, people continued to sing emulating those sounds.

I found very interesting to see how black music evolved analogically in the americas. We have an old form of spoken word music here, in brazil, called "repente" or "embolada", wich is very similar to rap or to jamaica's toasting. The same thing happened in different places without any direct contact or direct influence, back in the ol' days.


On 28/04/2008, at 19:17, Matt Kane's Brain wrote:

On Apr 28, 2008, at 6:15 PM, /0 wrote:
what does scat-ish mean?

scat singing.

matt kane's brain
aim -> mkbatwerk

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