Surely you've heard about the one-laptop-per-child initiative before?  I think 
your initial response is probably the correct one.  Some people will actually 
be so out of touch in a "let them eat cake" kind of way that they'll think that 
providing every child in Africa is a realistic aim without the people of the 
West waking up.  I don't think what's come out of it is a bad thing though - an 
affordable machine with open source software for developing countries.  It's 
just a question of how you might spend the money better isn't it?$100_laptop 

Disclaimer: I know hardly anything about the one-laptop-per-child initiative 
and am neither defender nor critic, by all means discuss (OK it's OT but it's 
interesting  ;-) but please don't put me in either role just 'cos I forwarded a 
flyer about a Greek festival!

> From: Robert Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 07 May 2008 16:11
> Subject: RE: (313) Synch in the city
> Is that thing about a laptop for every child in Africa some kind of sick joke?

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