I had 'the phone conversation' with TP a few years ago:

1. They don't break.  A friend of his has made him a couple, and they
last for years.  Contrast and compare with DJ headphones.
2. When he mixes he's listening for high frequencies -- high hats etc
so the lack of low end is no problem.  In fact if you listen to what
he's hearing through him, it's not very musical but it cuts through
the onstage sonic hash and gives you a good idea of where the beat is.
3. It's a kind of trademark now, but it grew out of practicality.
4. He has loads of stories about people thinking he's talking on the
phone when he's supposed to be dj'ing.

On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 4:00 PM, Lee Herrington
> Hah hah....  TP on the telephone pic.  I remember seeing him in Cleveland,
> OH. several years ago.  That telephone handset monitoring get-up blew me
> away.
> Cheers,
> lrh

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