Sorry for the late review here but just some observations:

- Omar-S made the afterparty at Trenchtown.  He spun a great set with
tons of classics - i believe he opened with pepe bradocks track
'life'? Of course, we had to stay until he dropped psychotic
photosynthesis. The crowd was really mixed and kind of sparse.  I
wasn't really feeling e-man though.  A bit too techy for my tastes.
- The first day of the fest was great with egyptian lover and newcleus
standing out.  Especially when Newcleus dropped jam on it and the
crowd went wild.  Egyptian lover showed off his 808 and dance moves.
Sound system on the red bull stage was great.
- Mike grant spun a more technoish set...i had kind of been expecting
a housier vibe from him.
- PB Wolf's set was great with tons of classic soul and hip hop jams
thrown together to make heads bob.  He even dropped iceberg slim.
- Dan bell's set on the main stage kind of mystified me as he seemed
to be running all over the stage attending to the many devices that
were set up.  And of course he did the vocals on baby judy.
- As has been mentioned TP's set was fun and phone was in full effect.
- Afterparty at soul skate was awesome but we didn't get there until
late (1ish) and I kept falling into couples that I didn't know.  This
happened before I had the nerve to get on the floor (i forgot how to
stop and was heading for the bench where they were sitting :) and on
the floor when someone whizzing by me made contact and I lost my
balance.  So I ended up clinging to a couple that happened to be
skating by for a bit. Pretty funny but at least I didn't end up
falling the whole night.
- Sunday kicked it off with magda who, as has been mentioned, was
pretty indistinguishable from other beatport monkeys
- Kenny larkin destroyed the crowd on sunday and was one of my
favorite sets.  I have seen him before but never quite in the same
form.  Everyone was chanting deeetroit deeetroit and even some body
surfing going on...
- Afterparty at Juan's loft was interesting with a 'dj' in the
chillout room putting on one record at a time then jacking the fader
and eqs.  I think at one point he hit the needle and lost it
completely.  Odd. Juan's set was good stuff with starlight, etc.  DJ
that went on after him played some serious techno with balls ala dj
bones' bodybags.
- Monday was all about the hot ghetto tech mess with godfather and the
2 live crew dj.  Paxahau dancers and crowd loved it.
- Kevin saunderson's set wasn't really doing it for me.  He played
pretty trancey stuff but the crowd ate it up. He was getting liquored
up onstage drinking from some funky bottle.
- See previous post for my review of the Motown Throwdown.

I will post pictures and videos perhaps.  I just bought a canon sd870
and I must say I am very impressed by the sound quality in the videos
I took.  I had expected the bass to be all distorted but they turned
out good.


On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 12:51 PM, Arturo Lopez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Overall I put this on par with the last few years. Some moments of
> exceptional music but I wasn't really blown away by very much at the
> festival over three whole days.
> a few thoughts:
> -Newcleus was a -hell- of a good time
> -Cobblestone Jazz was great
> -I like Kill Memory Crash better without the drum pads
> -Not familiar with Girl Talk, but that whole stage was a mob scene..
> never seen it so crowded with so many people on stage, etc. just for
> some hip hop mash-ups.
> -Beatport Stage was a complete waste of time, I couldn't tell the
> difference between a single performer any of the times I was over
> there.
> -Pioneer stage was entirely too close to the main stage, why not put
> it back over by the left of the entrance like they used to do?
> -Terrence Parker was a lot of fun, everybody really seemed to enjoy it
> -The afterparty at Old Miami was my favorite by far
> -I found Kevin Saunderson to be boring, perhaps it was just me. Maybe
> the 15 photographers crowding him up on stage had something to do with
> it, or maybe that Plasaiko was on before and seemed more interesting.
> -Saw a few performers with some technical issues. Plasaiko, Craig,
> etc.  It was unfortunate they didn't have the audio working correctly
> for the live instruments for Craig, it made those loops that he left
> on for 5 min at a time a little too long for me, when we couldn't hear
> most of the sax/clarinet, etc.
> -Arturo

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