Go Bang and Loose Joints are both killer tracks. But there's another
Russell's discoish track i love called Get Around To It. Funky as
hell, but in a totally original Russell's way.


On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 8:17 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> THAT'S RIGHT! Totally spaced that he's also Loose Joints. Those two tracks
> are def. on the list of best dance tracks of all times.. You should def, hit
> up his parents if you can get a showing there. A live rendition of those
> tracks would be hot! It would be tempting to put those tracks out back to
> back on 12" .. ;)
> Quoting kent williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Go Bang is One Of THOSE Tracks.  I always dug it for being dubby and
>> jazzy,
>> but when I play it out people just go OFF.  It's hard for me not to cane
>> it
>> every time I play.
>> Russell grew up a little ways down the highway west of Iowa City.  I
>> contacted the producers to see if we can swing a showing here, so his mom
>> and pop could come up. I bet they went to one of the premiers, but it
>> would
>> do them good to see the love Arthur gets from Iowans.  We can put on a
>> killer afterparty -- I turned a friend of mine who's in a Jazz/Funk/Salsa
>> band onto Arthur Russell, and his band would be perfect to play "Go Bang"
>> and "Is It All Over My Face" live ...
>> On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 12:20 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> This looks fantastic! Russel was a true pioneer; Dinosaur L - Go bang is
>>> one of the most amazing tracks I've heard to date.. What a shame he had
>>> to
>>> pass away so young..

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