Really excellent post from a very enthused Richard Brophy over at his

"Due to financial constraints and gig activities, I didn't make it to
Sonar this year, but I did have a look at the list of off-parties that
accumulated online in the months and weeks leading up to the festival.
Whatever about the line-up for the festival proper - which contained
some interesting acts, especially Jeff Mills' attempted return to the
rings of Saturn - the names that stood out were Dan Bell and Rob Hood.
I have been a fan of both producers for a long time, but it was
notable to me at least that they had been booked to perform as part of
a series of events that is perceived to encapsulate contemporary
electronic music. In this sphere, transience abounds, so the notion
that two veterans - of the non-haircut and laptop variety of course -
would have enjoyed such a visible presence.

On consideration though, it all makes perfect sense. While both have
been as busy as ever for years, the resuscitation of Hood in
particular this year has been impossible to ignore. Spurred on by an
admittedly excellent mix for Fabric, his profile has shot up, with
wall-to-wall interviews appearing with the normally reticent producer.
There is no sense in this re-emergence that Hood or Bell are 'getting
their dues', because both have received adulation before and have kept
busy when the media chose to ignore them. However, it is tempting and
not inconceivable to posit that the reason why they are in the
spotlight now is because they represent, unwittingly of course, a
groundswell of opinion that will hopefully turn into a backlash
against poorly-produced, soulless electronic music; the homogeneity
that comes from digital music buying; the lifestyle-driven, hipster
mush that has been sold as techno and the consensus-driven coverage
thereof. Hood and Bell have always made raw, peerless music, still
spin with vinyl, emphasise quality over quantity in their releases –
in stark contrast to the two releases a week net label-loving laptop
warrior - and don't give a damn about fads and trends. It makes me
happy when I see a cheesy house DJ I know saying on a forum that his
Sonar highlight was Rob Hood. Maybe he's just sheepishly following
trends – and was all over hamster's fart-style mnml last year - but
maybe, just maybe, people are finally sick of being bombarded with pap
and, for once, the media has helped them to make the hip replacement.

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