So I bought a bunch of stuff on mp3 recently, thinking, "oh it won't matter
if I play mp3 out". Then this debate went on and I half-persuaded myself it
matters. The one thing that I didn't see mentioned is that DJs often play
vinyl in various states of chewedness, and I bet some of that sounds worse
than mp3, but whatever - that debate has been and gone.

Anyway... the point of my post was going to be that I decided I wanted .wav
files for the weekend, so I just downloaded the tracks that I planned on
playing. The thing is, I reckon I've still saved money paying for some of
the files twice versus buying everything as .wav the first time through. I
only need wav files for the tracks that I'm definitely going to play out,
which is a minority of what I buy. This also saves on storage. And if I ever
just want a .wav for some reason I can buy it, knowing that this strategy
pays for itself in the long run.

Anyone else going about things in a similar (or better) way? I'm still new
to this digital shopping stuff.


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