On 04.04.2014 19:42, Noriko Hosoi wrote:
> Hi Timo,
> Timo Aaltonen wrote:
>>> 1) 389-ds-console 1.2.7 has no tarball though it was tagged for release
>>> in Sep'12
>>> You can download the tar ball from here now.
>>> http://port389.org/sources/389-ds-console-1.2.7.tar.bz2
>> Cool, thanks. It's a broken tarball though, you forgot '/' after the
>> version..
> Sorry.  I've fixed it...  Could you please try it, one more time?

Yup, it's fine now.

>> Also, you still need some way to fix the process of how these links get
>> to the webpage too :)
> Yeah, that's what I thought, too.   I searched an existing page on
> http://directory.fedoraproject.org, but I could not find it.
> Rich, could there be a good place to put the link(s)?

you probably mean this?


>> Now I see that you have a separate 389-announce list where only the
>> stable releases get announced.. maybe send those to 389-users too?
> All right.  I will do so from the next time.  Thanks for your suggestion!

great, thanks!

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