I think I agree with William, since the world is diverse and I don't think
we can cater to *everyone*.

On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 3:44 PM, William Brown <wibr...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 2018-01-10 at 04:26 +0000, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> > Hi William,
> >
> > I'm one of the Fedora UX designers and was pointed to this thread by
> > charcol on another list.
> >
> > I would like to express enthusiastic support for having by default a
> > display name field and a legal name field. This is of particular
> > benefit and interest to women as you clearly recognize. My legal name
> > is not what people know me by yet it's important for various gov't
> > docs that my legal name be used. In most contexts the name I go by is
> > more appropriate and recognizable for everyone. Red Hat allows me as
> > an employee to choose a displayname for my first name but not my last
> > - my legal last name is not what I go by. This has definitely caused
> > me some serious real world challenges.
> Thanks! I'm glad to see that this idea is supported. I have always
> wanted to improve this, and this seems like a great time to achieve it.
> >
> > One question I have about having multiple names in one field, from a
> > UX designer POV - often when retrieving lists of names for display in
> > interfaces, in a Western context they are often listed lastname
> > firstname in alphaorder. If the field is freeform and the person
> > inputs first middle last or even more names, how can the lastname be
> > identified so that a given user can be located in an alphabetically
> > ordered list?
> You can sort on displayname, but that's about it - The challenge get's
> worse in this case.
> firstname lastname
> singlename
> firstname familyname1 familyname2
> firstname middlename lastname
> Which do we sort on? I know in spain they have a non-hypenated pair of
> family names. And then you have individuals with single names.
> So sadly, there is no *truly* consitent answer here.
> In the "surname" case you would have:
>                      [   surname field     ]
> firstname            lastname
> singlename           ????
> firstname            familyname1 familyname2
> firstname middlename lastname
> So already, we have a broken design in trying to sort on "lastname,
> firstname" in the western context because of the individual with the
> singlename.
> Additionally, some people may not even enter the surnames correctly - I
> know one spanish lady who consistently had issues with the Australian
> government insisting that familyname2 was her surname. So she would be
> put into systems as:
>                       [ surname field ]
> firstname familyname1 familyname2
> Again, the surname doesn't "sort" correctly, because her true
> familyname1 is not in the surname field.
> With displayname you can only sort by "order of the displaynames". So
> we can at least consistently sort this given the scenario above!
> To *search* for surnames however, now you can do a substring search in
> the displayName field. I'm not sure of your LDAP profficency, but the
> search would be:
> (displayName=*lastname)
> So for me, I would choose my display name to be:
> "William Brown"
> To find me would be:
> (displayName=*Brown)
> For a legal version, you now need to search the legal name field, and
> again, the same search syntax is possible
> (legalName=*Brown)
> >  This seems like a core front end use case and I wonder if condensing
> > down to one field is going to cause problems for systems connecting
> > to the directory.
> *thankfully* most LDAP connections default to the current system of uid
> OR displayName, so this is already taken care of!
> >  Another consideration - names may be listed in different orders
> > depending on locale. Eg typical Western format is given middle
> > surname but other locales (Japan comes to mind) is surname given. Can
> > applications connecting to the directory be able to display names
> > appropriately for a given locale if there isnt a way to parse them
> > out correctly? This locale ordering isnt an issue for single names,
> > but 3+ names make it I am
> >  imagining nearly impossible to programmatically parse the user input
> > in any reliably correct way.
> We already have complete UTF8 handling in the server, with sorting and
> ordering available.
> In terms of "displaying this in correct order" you are right that
> Japanese prefer family name: This is still already a challenge in the
> current design of the server regardless of the field used because of:
> uid
> cn
> givenName
> surname
> None of these properly encapsulate the "international" nature of names.
> They are very "western". If we display:
> givenName surname
> We work for western cultures, but not japanese
> If we do:
> surname, givenName
> We may work better for japanese, but this isn't consistent to western
> standards.
> And finally, to make it fun - singlenames. How can we handle this?
> Thus we arrive at the conclusion - we have a cultural and social
> concept, that technology can not represent simply. To have a single
> "displayName" and "legalName" field, allow expression of all cultures
> names and styles, and we can choose how they are filled in in a way
> that is meaningful to a human. We can use ldap's fast querying to help
> humans search these fields and still get meaningful data, and we have
> to as humans, apply context to the name to understand it (and respect
> it).
> >
> > Hope this feedback is helpful.
> It is thank you!
> >
> > Cheers,
> > ~m
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> > rg
> --
> Sincerely,
> William Brown
> Software Engineer
> Red Hat, Australia/Brisbane
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