Oops. I accidentally sent the above before I was finished.

Anyway, I'd like to pick some brains of those who've transitioned from a
similar environment. Did you just rewrite the Bash routines? That's got to
be a pain. Is there nothing out there that does a lot of the same stuff? I
primarily used the DTS (DateTimeStamp) and DSS modules. UI probably used
NULL, too, but not much. I'm a little worried about all the time it will
take to recreate this functionality.

Most of the other stuff, I think I'm going to be okay upgrading. Active4D
and ObjectTools are still supported by Aparajita Fishman, and PDF Plugin
and PostgreSQL Plugin are in good hands with Rob Laveaux. AreaList Pro I
see has changed hands and the licensing structure has changed. Are there
any other surprises there, or should the upgrade be pretty straightforward?

Do I make the leap all the way from 2004 to v15, or should I try to shoot
for interim versions? Do I need to get each version to work, or will the
data upgrade from version to version be fine from an uncompiled (and
non-functioning) version. I know I'll have to remove the components, like
Bash. What other lovely surprises await me?

Many thanks ahead of time!
Doug Hall

On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 4:17 PM, Doug Hall <doughall...@gmail.com> wrote:

> For various reasons, we have put off upgrading 4D. We originally intended
> to just move off of 4D all at once, but that turned out to be impossible.
> I've added onto our existing structure in spurts, but for the most part,
> I've been out of active 4D development for almost a decade, now.So, now I
> begin the journey of a million miles, with a single step. The first is
> advise from you guys. Should I shoot for an interim version, say v13, or is
> it possible (practical) to go all the way from 2004 to v15?
> I know that the Bash component we're using has not been supported for
> years. Has anyone reverse engineered the methods in this component? If so,
> please email me privately.
> Here's what we're currently using in 4D 2004:
> Foundation (v3.7.2?)
> Components:
> Bash Component: I've heard there is no way to upgrade. Please advise.
> Rollover (Used by ToolBar) No longer available.
> Plugins:
> AreaList Pro 7.9
> Active4D
> MD5 Plugin
> PDF Plugin
> PostgreSQL Plugin
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