Hi Doug
I upgraded a 2004 database to v13 in one go.
I had to rewrite some code for plugins no longer supported, many of the 
routines for which a plug was used, are now available in native 4D.
I upgraded ALP to the latest version. There were no major problems with the 4D 
Good luck

Sent from my iPad

> On 30 Aug 2016, at 22:30, Doug Hall <doughall...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Oops. I accidentally sent the above before I was finished.
> Anyway, I'd like to pick some brains of those who've transitioned from a
> similar environment. Did you just rewrite the Bash routines? That's got to
> be a pain. Is there nothing out there that does a lot of the same stuff? I
> primarily used the DTS (DateTimeStamp) and DSS modules. UI probably used
> NULL, too, but not much. I'm a little worried about all the time it will
> take to recreate this functionality.
> Most of the other stuff, I think I'm going to be okay upgrading. Active4D
> and ObjectTools are still supported by Aparajita Fishman, and PDF Plugin
> and PostgreSQL Plugin are in good hands with Rob Laveaux. AreaList Pro I
> see has changed hands and the licensing structure has changed. Are there
> any other surprises there, or should the upgrade be pretty straightforward?
> Do I make the leap all the way from 2004 to v15, or should I try to shoot
> for interim versions? Do I need to get each version to work, or will the
> data upgrade from version to version be fine from an uncompiled (and
> non-functioning) version. I know I'll have to remove the components, like
> Bash. What other lovely surprises await me?
> Many thanks ahead of time!
> Doug Hall
>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 4:17 PM, Doug Hall <doughall...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> For various reasons, we have put off upgrading 4D. We originally intended
>> to just move off of 4D all at once, but that turned out to be impossible.
>> I've added onto our existing structure in spurts, but for the most part,
>> I've been out of active 4D development for almost a decade, now.So, now I
>> begin the journey of a million miles, with a single step. The first is
>> advise from you guys. Should I shoot for an interim version, say v13, or is
>> it possible (practical) to go all the way from 2004 to v15?
>> I know that the Bash component we're using has not been supported for
>> years. Has anyone reverse engineered the methods in this component? If so,
>> please email me privately.
>> Here's what we're currently using in 4D 2004:
>> Foundation (v3.7.2?)
>> Components:
>> Bash Component: I've heard there is no way to upgrade. Please advise.
>> Rollover (Used by ToolBar) No longer available.
>> Plugins:
>> AreaList Pro 7.9
>> Active4D
>> MD5 Plugin
>> PDF Plugin
>> PostgreSQL Plugin
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