
I would think that ones programming skills with 4D, are you familiar with the 
shell, and how good the shell is for the intended project.

I have used a shell once for a project. Documentation of the shell was the 
killer, then he time to get to know it.

Thereafter we developed our own shell so that we knew exactly what it did, and 
where to put code. Ever few versions of 4D we created the shell from scratch 
and put a couple of our internal projects in that shell. Then we were ready for 
other projects with that shell.

Now our shell is very mature from a feature set viewpoint. We are again excited 
to be making the shell up again in version 4D v15 and likely 4D v16 again as 
the shell may cross over those versions. Lots of new things in 4D Since v12, so 
it will be fun. Of course it takes time.

Jody Bevan

> On Aug 31, 2016, at 13:29, Robert ListMail <> wrote:
> It was recently suggested to me that the value of using a 4D-based shell is 
> less important now… and that I should consider new 4D applications from 
> scratch. I’ve created more apps with a shell than without with great 
> success—that is, I’ve been a shell guy for the most part snd i do see the 
> value. With that said, I was trying to find the private email from those that 
> suggested, and recognized value, with the non-shell approach. Thoughts about 
> new v15-based 4D projects via a shell or not? Why is a shell less relevant 
> today?
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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