Not really. All logins are automatically attributed to the default user. I
used it for years with my own user login system. You have to explicitly
offer some way to log in as a different 4D user or, as I eventually did,
tie my user records to a 4D user.

On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 7:59 AM, Randy Jaynes <ra...@printpoint.com> wrote:

> I have a need to activate the default user in the 4D password system
> (KB-76953 Enabling Default User) so I can get the 4D Backup progress
> thermometer deactivated on client machines.
> Is anyone aware of development 'gotchas’ or other problems that might
> occur which would suggest this is a bad idea?
> I did a quick test this morning and it _seems_ like it will be ok to do
> this and leave the new “Default User” in the design group, but before doing
> this on my real structure i thought I’d check in with everyone else.
> Thanks,
> Randy
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Randy Jaynes
> Senior Programmer and Customer Support
> http://printpoint.com • (845) 359-0298 • PrintPoint, Inc • 57 Ludlow Lane
> • Palisades, NY 10964
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Kirk Brooks
San Francisco, CA
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