
The process do always the same operations.
The user open the process, do a series of query and close the process.
There is a counter that show the progression of the work, and after some times the count down is slow.

The application run with 4D V13.3 is on client server mode, and is compiled.



Il 07/11/2016 21:00, ha scritto:
Message: 4
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2016 11:20:54 -0500
From: Chip Scheide<>
To: 4D iNug Technical<>
Subject: RE: Progressive slow
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

It is likely then that one or more cache settings need to be changed.

although there is one more thing that could be a cause of a memory leak
- Objects (not sure which version of 4D you are using). I have not
worked with these yet, but I can see where they could be a possible
memory leak.

Other than that - cache settings and/or cache flushing.

if the flush rate (time between flushes is too long) when the disk cash
*is*  flushed it could take some time, and as I remember this is a
locking action (i.e. it stops other activities until it completes).

Are you*sure*  that it is the query that is slow?
could it be that you are loading progressively more data, and so the
process looks like it is slowing down.

- you do a query
- get some result records
- do something with them, BUT forget to set a flag that the action has
already occurred.
- you do the same query
- get the original result records + new records
- do something with them, and still forget to set a flag that the
action has already occurred.

repeat, again and again with the results getting larger each time. Then
the action which might have acted on 10 records to start, is now acting
on thousands - appearing - to slow down.

On Mon, 7 Nov 2016 16:28:51 +0100, wrote:
>Hi Chip,
>At the end of the process that is slow after some time, i already do
>the your suggestions.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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