I have a compiled 4D app

1. I zip compress it.

2. I uncompress it. It works fine.

3. I send the compressed file to an on-line storage (AWS - Amazon Web services)

4. I bring back the compressed file.

5. I uncompress it. It will not work.

    a. I get a message: Are you sure you want to open the structure file in 
read only mode?

    b. If you say OK a second message will appear: "toy cannot open this 
database because the data file (or one of its segments) is locked. 

    c. Then you get an error message.

It "knows" that the file was downloaded. You get the usual thing about "are you 
sure you want to open his file downloaded from the Internet". If you say yes 
that you are sure, you will move forward and run into this problem.

What is this all about? How do you get around it? If I back-up an app to AWS 
how can I get it back in a working form?

The compressed file that you kept on your computer and the compressed file that 
you send to AWS seem to be the same. But the one you bring back must have some 
kind of metadata attached to it that cause this problem.

I did not have this problem a few months ago. I do not know if it is related to 
Sierra or 4D or what.
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