Thanks Keisuke Miyako

The resource that you pointed me to is called macOS Code Signing in Depth.  
Sadly it is out of my depth. 

Apparently, as you bring a file back from the Internet it is "quarantined" in 
some way. On the Mac we are familiar with the warning dialog that "such and 
such is from an unidentified developer; are you sure you want to open" 

I have never had problems with this if I answered this dialog with the 
statement that I understood and was willing to open.

But now after I say that I want to open the file not withstanding, I get these 

   a. Are you sure you want to open the structure file in read only mode? This 
dialog has a 4D icon on it.

   b. If you say OK, a second message will appear: "you cannot open this 
database because the data file (or one of its segments) is locked. 

   c. Then you get an error message.

So somehow even after you have said that you want to open the file, you cannot. 
In some fashion 4D sees it locked and no matter how you answer the dialogs you 
cannot get the application to run.

In my experience, this was not true a couple months ago. I do not understand 
the change. I have installed Sierra in the interim and I wondered whether that 
might be responsible.

There seem to be some complex (for me) things you can do in Terminal that might 
get a file unquarantined but this again is over my head.

So from my perspective, this is hugely annoying and I do not see any "easy" 

I can understand being warned that a file was downloaded from the Internet. But 
why, after you have acknowledged this and saying that you wish to proceed does 
4D prevent this?

> On Nov 14, 2016, at 6:23 AM, Keisuke Miyako <> wrote:
> time for some reading:
> <>
> having said that, the concept of marking downloaded zip files is not a new 
> thing.
> Google ""

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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