Paul, watch out for searches saved from the editor in a version previous to v12 
and brought forward...

> On Dec 9, 2016, at 3:02 AM, Paul Lovejoy <> wrote:
> Oh my, 
> I just discovered the new query editor in v15.
> We let our users have access to the standard 4D query editor. The one in 
> v14/v15 is radically different and I find it quite hard to use. 
>       Having to use drop-down menus is quite cumbersome in tables with lots 
> of fields.
>       Starting off with a query on the first field by alphabetical order is 
> strange.
>       Where are the related table queries?
> Does anyone else let your users access the standard editor? If so, how have 
> you dealt with the transition from v12/v13 queries to v14/v15, or am I alone? 
> I have users who store their queries and recall them at a later date. I’ve 
> found some instances where queries stored in v12 are not opened correctly in 
> v15.
> Thanks for any thoughts or suggestions.
> Paul


Guy Algot, Solutions Specialist
Edmonton, Alberta
(780) 974-8538

hardware, installation, training, support, programming, internet
specializing in 4th Dimension
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