quite interesting read, thanks.

The value of sensible naming never shows more strongly when you have to work 
with OPC (Other Peoples Code) and find generic variables like S_1 or AR1 that 
are used in changing roles throughout the code and are an incredible pain to 
debug, or even replaceā€¦

Concerning the descriptor, I have found it more useful to have that up front, 
spearated by underscore:


3 reasons:
- when typing and you need a specific local text variable you already have, 
just type the prefix and the editor will show you all text variables you 
already have.
- I can easily check for compiler typing errors by searching (for example) all 
C_LONGINT in compiler declarations where the variable does not start with  l_
and, much more import as I am lazy:
I have a macro and method that automatically declares all my locals in a method 
and puts the block on top.
Easier to recognize the type if you just need to match a starting patternā€¦



> Am 24.02.2017 um 04:29 schrieb David Adams via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com>:
> Here's one of those thoughts that I think to repost every few years.
> Many of us use variable naming conventions to carry various bits of
> information about what's in the variable/array. Like this format:
> vtCity
> vlWindow
> Of course, no one uses that particular format as it's use will later
> condemn you to the pits of perdition. Instead, people are probably using:
> Module + Descriptor + Type
> Like
> Customer_City_t
> "Module" being a basic language concept missing from the 4D language. It's
> helpful to group resources into pseudo-modules to prevent pathological use
> of global data. But I digress. What I wanted to say again was something
> about type names: It can really improve the meaningfulness of a name if you
> expand your concept of 'type'. Instead of limiting ourselves to 4D's
> primitives, think of larger types. This can help in a few ways, the first
> being readability:
> $form_name_t
> $tFormName
> $form_name
> It's a name, of course it's text, what else would it be? Why tack _t on
> there? What does it add? It spends a couple of characters without adding
> any information. "Name" carries both the base type and it's type in the
> larger context of your code. The compiler can sort out types no matter what
> their name. 4D's automatic variable being a case in point:
> vRecNum
> It's text. Of course it is. And it almost squeezes maximum value out of the
> 8 character name limit ;-)
> Similar to form name, method name is an even better example:
> $error_method_name_t
> Okay, it's an error method. Well, we can validate method names - I'd prefer
> to think of it as
> $error_MethodName
> To the 4D Compiler, it's a string. That's it. But it isn't. Not any string
> will do, it has to be a string found in the list of project methods. Your
> code makes more sense when you see it that way.
> So, when the primitive type is obvious from context, why not use a 'type'
> abbreviation that tells you more? Here are three different longints:
> log_l
> log_l
> log_l
> Oh. What about
> log_docref
> log_hlist
> log_winref
> That's a lot more information for no real cost.
> I tend to use abbreviations like these as well as
> _name
> for internal names of stuff. Names are text in my universe, if you use
> longints or something - you're on your own.
> Oh, it's helpful to have a currency abbreviation if you apply standard
> rounding to reals-that-are-currency.
> I was reminded of all of this today as I'm doing some work with objects
> where know that the variable is an object tells me close to nothing. I've
> got an object that describes a 'recipient' of a callback from CALL WORKER
> or CALL FORM. So, it's type is "recipient"
> $subscriber_recipient
> $callback_recipient
> This is an object with a specific collection of attributes with rules.
> There's a method to create a recipient, to validate a recipient (make sure
> the window/method exists, etc.) Recipients can be passed around for various
> purposes.
> Right, back to your regular discussions....
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