
I recently posted regarding some work i have been doing to move(and improve) my 
code management functionality from my database to a component. The main 
objective of this was speed. Having moved all my code relating to methods i am 
now looking at the code i have that stores a binary version of a 4D form. I 
have perfectly working in code in my (host) database but i really would like to 
move as much of this one to my component as possible.-it does a fair bit of 
‘heavy lifting reading all the properties of each object on each page of each 
form and building an object(for the form)  and then comparing the object to the 
previous version.

What i am really interested in is to know what others who have undertaken this 
kind of thing have done to get around :

METHOD GET CODE($_Txt_MethodName;$_t_MethodText;*) ... (ETC)

This of course cannot be executed on the component when it is compiled(and 
there is no point in this component if it is not compiled).-i had a try of 
running it in an execute statement-but that did not work(unless i missed 

With project methods etc I am getting them on the host and passing the code to 
the component for processing-it returns(if required) updated code, to be honest 
that is good enough for speed. I am pretty happy with the results

Now i am dealing with forms where I get lots of raw information.

(for example)...

OBJECT GET EVENTS(*;"";$_aL_FormEvents)  //gets a list of the form events
FORM GET VERTICAL RESIZING($_Bo_vResize;$_L_minHeight;$_L_MaxHeight)
FORM GET HORIZONTAL RESIZING($_Bo_hResize;$_L_mWidth;$_L_MaxWidth)

...and I wondered if anyone has found a way to do this kind of thing from a 
compiled component on the uncompiled structure. If it can't i will just move 
the object process(comparison to old version of form) but I thought maybe I am 
missing a trick…

I looked at the work done in the unit testing programme from Mark Schaak-to see 
what cleverness he might be up to and notice that in there he has ready to go 
code for the host component which creates methods-but i could not see anything 
more complex than that(in this case i don’t need to create methods on the host 
database-they already exist and I am nor distributing this code)

any ideas?

Nigel Greenlee

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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