> On Mar 23, 2017, at 11:54 AM, Nigel Greenlee via 4D_Tech 
> <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
> What i am really interested in is to know what others who have undertaken 
> this kind of thing have done to get around :
> METHOD GET CODE($_Txt_MethodName;$_t_MethodText;*) ... (ETC)
> This of course cannot be executed on the component when it is compiled(and 
> there is no point in this component if it is not compiled).-i had a try of 
> running it in an execute statement-but that did not work(unless i missed 
> something)!

I would suggest writing the method information to files when you build the 
component. Create some JSON files with the method paths and other information 
that would allow you to emulate the METHOD * commands. 

I'm working on something like this where the goal would be to have "modules" 
maintained in a component. If changes are needed, the all or part of the module 
is loaded in the host. The host methods will automatically be used over the 
component calls, so you don't have to stop what you are doing to change the 
component. The final step will be automation of removing the methods from the 
host and merging them back in the component. Having a on disk representation 
allows git or some other VCS to be part of the process.

> Now i am dealing with forms where I get lots of raw information.
> (for example)...
> OBJECT GET EVENTS(*;"";$_aL_FormEvents)  //gets a list of the form events
> FORM GET VERTICAL RESIZING($_Bo_vResize;$_L_minHeight;$_L_MaxHeight)
> FORM GET HORIZONTAL RESIZING($_Bo_hResize;$_L_mWidth;$_L_MaxWidth)
> ...and I wondered if anyone has found a way to do this kind of thing from a 
> compiled component on the uncompiled structure. If it can't i will just move 
> the object process(comparison to old version of form) but I thought maybe I 
> am missing a trickā€¦

FORM LOAD("form";*) ?

John DeSoi, Ph.D.

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