On Apr 4, 2017, at 11:02 AM, Neil Dennis wrote:

> I found the new net work layer unusable as well. During heavy loads 4D will 
> quit responding. I use legacy network and things work great. This was all 
> done on a LAN not a WAN.
> I let the 4D engineers know about this at the last 4D summit. I have been 
> unsuccessful in creating a small isolated database that demonstrates the 
> problem. In my case it only happens in heavy load conditions and can take a 
> few days to manifest itself.
> By heavy load, we have over 100 users hitting the database (all on the same 
> network as the server) and there is a lot of network traffic. When I say quit 
> responding… there comes a time, sometimes after a few days, where no one can 
> log in, and those logged in appear to be frozen. Restarting the 4D server 
> fixes this for a few to several more days. When I run legacy network these 
> problems do not exist.

I was planning on upgrading a client from v14.4 to v16.0, but now I am having 
second thoughts. Their 4D Client connections are currently rock solid. And 
their 4D Server runs for months at a time without the need for a restart. This 
client has 70-80 users connected. 

I certainly don’t want to submit my clients to a v16 upgrade that results in 
regular, weekly support calls of “I can’t connect to 4D Server” and “4D Server 
is frozen and needs to be restarted”. 

Can I run 4D Server v16.0 64-bit Windows with legacy network layer and 4D 
Client v16.0 32-bit Windows without these network issues? Anybody doing that?


Tim Nevels
Innovative Solutions

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