Yes. You only need the new network layer to support 64-bit 4D on Mac. 

> On Apr 4, 2017, at 12:54 PM, Timothy Penner via 4D_Tech 
> <> wrote:
> Hi Tim,
>>> I think it is important to investigate whether the instability is specific 
>>> to application code or not.
>>> for instance, it is possible to create a bare bone copy of you database 
>>> with the export structure command. you can then open a copy of your 
>>> production data with that structure file.
>>> if you have no issues using the database in user mode over the same 
>>> network, then perhaps some methods are choking the network in a way that 
>>> does not happen over the legacy layer.
>> So is this a new feature of v16 and the new network layer? Are you saying 
>> that is is OK and acceptable for 4D v16 — using the new network layer — to 
>> drop a client connection simply because a method is running and choking the 
>> network? A developer can write some code that will kill the network 
>> connection?
>> Or are you saying that this is really an indication of a bug in v16 and the 
>> new network layer. That 4D should never disconnect 4D Client due to code 
>> running that “chokes” the network.

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