Forgot to say can do a whole lot of Very Good Things
with an integrated code scanner. Things that the 4D compiler does not do,
and much more:

* Check that method names passed as strings are valid.

* Check that parameter lists are not too long or too short.

* Confirm that variables, etc. match your team's naming conventions, etc.

* Locate code that violates your standards. For example, perhaps you have
abandoned Open window or want all calls to ALERT to call a custom routine

* Etc.

Some of the folks that have worked on big teams can probably chime in with
some of their real-world examples. Such validators are helpful in several

* You find bugs in the code at rest that otherwise only show up at runtime.
Like the bad method name or extra parameter examples above.

* You can help a new team member learn your rules very quickly. Instead of
just writing code and then getting a review (or not) from another worker,
the scanner spots deviations and you can bring the youngster into the fold
that much faster.

* It's a virtuous circle. As soon as you master one level of quality
improvement, there is another step you can take that's now within reach.
Distant horizons eventually turn into the road behind you.

It's absurd that 4D's compiler doesn't do more of this work for us and it
would be great if they would at least add in the easy ones:

Compiler/Typing Improvements: Detect some runtime errors in advance

Please give this one a vote. At least then I get the satisfaction of
knowing that my ignored features requests are popular. This one seems to be
at the top of the charts, by a huge margin. Perhaps it needs some more
votes too:

Raise the 31 character name limit on methods
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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