On Apr 20, 2017, at 10:23 PM, David Adams wrote:

> Tim, I finally said "what the heck" and am giving my blunt opinions below.
> Don't take the torrent as directed at you. I think that you made an
> intelligent and high-level argument. I mean, you're wrong, but at I don't
> hold that against you ;-) That's not an ironic smiley face...I grew up in
> schools where the whole class period might be spent fighting about stuff.
> They thought it was good for us. In a way, it was...in another way, not so
> much.

Just before I clicked “Send” on my post I thought “this is probably gonna crawl 
under David’s skin, I can’t wait to read his reply”. You certainly did not 
disappoint. :) And that is a smiley face because I was smiling the entire time 
I was reading it.

I’m a glass is 1/2 full kind of guy and try to not dwell on the things i don’t 
have. With 26 years of making a living doing 4D work, I really don’t have much 
to complain about. 

> Thanks for the confirmation. This makes 4D components pretty much a
> non-starter for me. I can see how if you know this (and the other)
> restrictions in mind, you could do an okay job. As an example, Cannon's
> Obj_ module isn't a component, but I just compiled it to one and, so far,
> it seems fine.

Current 4D components are a good fit for some things and a horrible fit for 
others. And the only way to find out is to try out your idea. That’s what I’ve 
done. I’ve been about 50% successful on my component projects. Half turned out 
to be a success and I was happy with the end result. Half I had to abandon and 
never finished. I just couldn’t make it work. But I learned a lot by trying 
different things and learning what the limits are. Now if I have an idea for a 
component I have a sense of “I can make this into a component" or "this is 
going to be a problem to make as a component”. 

> Man, wouldn't it be nice if you had a structure defining, oh, let's say a
> process setup:
> $customers := New(ProcessSetup)
> $customers.name  := "Customers"
> $customers.table := ->MyBigArrayOfStuff
> $customers.max_rows := 100
> ...and then the 4D compiler kicks back the obvious error:
>    $customers.table points to an array instead of a table.
> So much easier and better than what we have today. Despite using dots,
> that's not an object. It's a typed data structure. We need it, we've always
> needed it, and it's easier than what we've got now.

> And again, I'm not asking for 4D to do a completely new language. No
> thanks, we have a zillion modern languages to choose from. I'm asking for a
> sensible evolution of the language:
> * Data structures that were in Pascal back when 4D was a baby.
> * Exception handling like any sensible language.
> Those two alone would help improve quality by huge, huge amounts.

I totally agree with this. Adding support for Pascal type record structures 
would be so useful. 4D should have done it a long time ago. 

I was hoping the new C_OBJECT variable type would provide that functionality. 
But it falls short in that it lacks strong typing of the record structure 
items. We really need a new C_STRUCTURE variable type. Maybe it could be based 
on C_OBJECT internally but with the addition of typing that the compiler could 

Throw in a try/catch control structure for exception handling and my glass goes 
from 1/2 full to 3/4 full! 

But alas they have neglected improving the language. It’s just not a priority 
for them now. 

> Sure, but that doesn't mean that they came up with a great solution, albeit
> perhaps the best they could. Given how various features have been
> implemented in the past few years, I don't get the impression they've got a
> language guy on the team. They're a special breed and a bit rare. I never
> hear anything out of France that sounds like they've been thinking about
> the language itself.

I think you are right about that. If they would hire a “language” guy that 
would make a big difference. They wanted to support XML so they hired a guy to 
do that. They wanted to support SQL, so they got a guy for that. If they are 
going to update the 4D language — and the compiler to support it — they need to 
hire a language guy for that. 

> Yes, a linker. That's what's needed. Otherwise, it leaves us with not so
> many great choices. If they did the linker, we would all benefit. Linkers
> aren't exactly a modern tool - there's plenty of existing art out there.

Too bad David Hemmo — Mr. 4D Compiler — is working at Apple now. Now there’s a 
guy who could write an awesome 4D linker.


Tim Nevels
Innovative Solutions

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