On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 2:39 PM, James Crate via 4D_Tech <
4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:

> A few more less important things that are in almost every modern language
> that would make coding nicer for everyone, and could be added without
> affecting legacy code:

 +1 on your list. And while The Language Guy (TLG) is around, let's get a
few more things done:

--  More operators, like ++ and so on. Why not? That won't break old code.

-- Short-circuit evaluation of conjoined ifs. I don't think that will break
any old code, given how interpretation works now. If it does, a
compatibility setting or drop-dead conversion version seems fair.

And, since TLG has extra time after doing all of these,


Just give us a navigable parse tree from the specified method. I mean, the
4D interpreter is already building such a thing and so is the compiler. The
idea is that you get back a version of the code *that is already fully
parsed*. It might have to be XML, as you need nodes to have a type
(command, plug-in, method, constant, etc.) and contents (Open Window, etc.)
I say a tree because that's what would make sense. A branch for each line
and then an interpretation/parse tree for each line. This is handy to have *as
4D sees it*  because 4D follows its own rules. For example, I think it does
evaluations left-right rather than by order of precedence. The interpreter
does this sort of parsing every single day, so it's not like this is a new
feature. What's new is exposing the underlying structure to us for reuse.
With such a command, we would be free to write whatever code-analysis tools
we want.

A thousand flowers bloom.

P.S. Yes, I know about the token format for METHOD GET CODE. Not what I'm
talking about, but glad it exists. The token format doesn't simplify
writing a parser, but it does make writing an accurate parser easier.
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