I have asked for - repeatedly - 
4D to give us an automated means to "fix" this.
(15 votes from 2012)

Basically - a means to change unchanged object names (variable1, Field3 
etc) to AT LEAST the variable name,
but with an option to pre/post append a fixed string (Ex: "obj_"  --> 
obj_My_Variable) to be able to distinguish between veritable references 
and object references.
and from Bob Miller:

On Fri, 21 Apr 2017 07:49:11 -0500, John DeSoi via 4D_Tech wrote:
> I recently embarked on an automated testing project and implemented 
> the advantages you mention by automatically generating *one* project 
> method per form that contains all of the object method and form 
> method code. The only other task was to create wrappers for Form 
> event and OBJECT Get pointer to allow them to be programmatically 
> manipulated.
> So no rewriting of the form is necessary, no need to call a project 
> method from every object method, and no need to maintain an enormous 
> case statement for a form with lots of object methods. The "form 
> controller" idea others have mentioned might be nice for newer 
> projects, but would be a huge amount of work for legacy projects 
> where object names did not exist. My generated code has lots of 
> "Field1", "Field2", "Button1" names because object names never 
> mattered when the forms were created.
> John DeSoi, Ph.D.
>> On Apr 20, 2017, at 4:34 PM, David Adams via 4D_Tech 
>> <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
>> Using a project method in place of a a form method/object scripts has a
>> couple of other advantages. If you pass in the event code, then you can:
>> * Create custom event codes ('redraw', 'close' or something more like a
>> message)
>> * Emulate form activity (useful for testing)
>> * Leverage your existing code with CALL FORM. Your CALL FORM call invokes
>> the form handler method and passes in whatever event or data is required.
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