
I understand your rationale. That's an ingenious solution - driving the
content of the order based on what's in the XML - and, given your product
mix, that's a good way to ensure that things stay in synch.

For this client, the furthest they need to go is to flag changed documents
and have a change report. These quotes are for large ticket items. Quotes
range from a dozen line items to about two hundred line items with total
pricing ranging from the low millions USD to just over a hundred million
USD. In this situation, we just need a flag and a report about what has
changed - dealing with those changes should be a manual process.

Douglas von Roeder

On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 11:28 PM, Kirk Brooks via 4D_Tech <> wrote:

> Doug,
> On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 3:50 PM, Douglas von Roeder via 4D_Tech <
>> wrote:
> > ​...
> > The issue that my client is dealing with is that some of the
> > sales reps have futzed with some of the quote documents. By adding this
> > feature the sales reps will know that their 4D Write documents will be
> > tracked by the audit trail and that should cut out almost all of the few
> > instances of mischief.
> ​There we are. This is exactly why we transitioned away from 4D Write a
> number of years ago. It was the same issue - the db generates a 4D Write
> doc based on the data in the records but the sales reps could simply write
> in something else after the write doc is created but before the PDF is
> created or it's printed.
> My solution was to generate the PDF based on the data in the quote and not
> allow the quote to be altered once it's generated. I should say that in my
> db there is an [Order] table and a [Quote] table. The Order also has lots
> of related data like items, addresses, etc. When the quote is created I
> save all that related data in XML (old school - I'd use JSON now) and the
> PDF in the quote record. The specific verbiage is in the order as plain
> text (you could use styled text now) and the quotes are a standard format.
> This allows the salesreps to create multiple versions of a quote for the
> same order (accommodating options for various colors, finishes, etc). When
> a particular quote is accepted the Order is reset to whatever was on it
> when that quote was made. This guarantees the quote the customer signs is
> the one that gets into the system. Much more reliable than screwing around
> with trying to identify altered docs and manually reset the order to the
> document specifics.
> ​
> --
> Kirk Brooks
> San Francisco, CA
> =======================
> *The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do
> nothing.*
> *- Edmund Burke*
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