Hi Craig,

> On 10 Jun 2017, at 7:00 AM, 4d_tech-requ...@lists.4d.com wrote:
>> I would invite you to test the latest nightly build which fixes ACI0096586
>> http://bugs.4d.fr/fixedbugslist?Branch=16
>> "HTTP Get" request fails with certain https web sites
> That didn’t work, but we found (we think) it is that 4D doesn’t support 
> Server Name Identification (SNI) which Amazon requires
> Using your CURL plugin got us around the problem though- thanks!
Yes, TLS sin is not supported.
The worrying part is that I expect TLS SNI to become more and more 

I reported this problem on taow in july 2016.

It has been discussed on the forum here :

Please vote.

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