Hi Bruno, Regarding your HTTP GET examples returning error 2;
Bruno LEGAY wrote : { The problem occurs when there is no other certificates (a kind of fallback certificate) like for this URL : https://chrismeller.com. Code 4D : View in english : Voir en texte pour copie : 1 C_TEXT($vt_url;$vt_httpResponse) 2 $vt_url:="https://chrismeller.com" 3 4 C_LONGINT($vl_httpStatus) 5 $vl_httpStatus:=HTTP Get($vt_url;$vt_httpResponse) 6 ASSERT($vl_httpStatus=200;"http status : "+String($vl_httpStatus)) 7 } I think this issue is related to this bug: ACI0096586"HTTP Get" request fails with certain https web sites Which is fixed in Nightly Build 212638 of v15 I get the error you described with v15.4Hf1 and earlier but no error when using v15.x 212638: http://forums.4d.fr/4DBB_Main/x_User/1178015/files/19553953.png Can you try the latest nightly builds? -Tim ********************************************************************** 4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG) FAQ: http://lists.4d.com/faqnug.html Archive: http://lists.4d.com/archives.html Options: http://lists.4d.com/mailman/options/4d_tech Unsub: mailto:4d_tech-unsubscr...@lists.4d.com **********************************************************************