> I don't think there is any difference between what you call text and
> what you report sounds more like the difference between UTF-16 and UTF-8.

That would make sense of the numbers. And the slight varience from a
perfect 1:2 ratio may come from the wrapper element stored in the object
version...which makes it just that tiny bit longer.

So, wait, 4D *isn't* storing a dehydrated version of the JSON in a more
compact format internally? It's just big, bloaty JSON? That's...surprising.
Also food for thought as to how to compose JSON. Bummer.

So, do you know anything about the indexing scheme? Or anything about the
hash table? Is each object hashed on-the-fly when it's loaded, or is there
a table stored somewhere? Has 4D saying anything at all about any of this
anywhere ever?

On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 2:10 PM, Keisuke Miyako via 4D_Tech <
4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:

> I don't think there is any difference between what you call text and
> binary,
> what you report sounds more like the difference between UTF-16 and UTF-8.
> technically, the 2:1 ratio you describe is variable,
> but I understand for all practical purposes in ASCII,
> you could say that it is pretty much a constant.
> a Unicode code-point in UTF-8 consumes up to 3 bytes (6 according to
> specification),
> and any single Unicode character (grapheme) can be a representation of 1
> or more code points.
> so, for instance, text predominantly made of typical CJK
> (Chinese-Japanese-Korean) characters
> will take up 1.5 times more space in UTF-8 compared to UTF-16.
> 2017/07/10 12:40、David Adams via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com<mailto:4
> d_t...@lists.4d.com>> のメール:
> So, with text, my export was 24.66GB and as text it was 12.35GB, nearly 50%
> smaller.
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