Cannon Smith:

> I’ve seen something odd since upgrading our customers to v16.1 a few months 
> ago. This is on 64-bit server, both platforms. There are a few background 
> processes that continually run on the servers, waking up every few seconds to 
> see if there is work to be done. This has worked without problem for a decade 
> now, but starting with v16.1 we occasionally have a process the just sort of 
> quits.
> By occasionally, I mean maybe once in 2-3 months per server. Little enough 
> that I didn’t pay much attention at first—just relaunched the server. But 
> cumulatively (across all servers) it has happened probably 20-30 times in the 
> last few months.
> By the process sort of quitting, I mean that the tasks it is supposed to take 
> care of just stop getting taken care of. The activity monitor shows the 
> process is still there and nothing I have noticed seems out of the ordinary. 
> It’s like the code just quit executing in that process.
> I know I need to get more detailed information and will start trying to do 
> that, but wonder if anyone has experienced anything similar that might give 
> me a starting place to look?

Same here. 4D V16.1 32 Bit on OS X 10.11.6.
A background process does some reporting, sends and receives mails, etc.
Every once in a while it just stops. No idea why. At least I am not the only 
Now we just have to find what is common on all our servers...

Greetings from Germany,
Bernd Fröhlich
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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