On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 10:43 AM, Epperlein, Lutz (agendo) <
lutz.epperl...@agendo.de> wrote:

> A question:
> What other approaches did you try to implement a logging feature using
> preemptive threads. I'm pretty sure there is something buried in the
> threads of this mailinglist but I'm not able to find it.
I would very likely have used files and an external collector...but this
didn't work out. Within 15 minutes of trying this, I discovered that it's
*very* easy to throw 4D into a fatal race condition when rolling log files.
(It's also possible in cooperative mode, for that matter.) I created a
database that reproduces the error within about a minute of running.
Submitted and, I'm told, accepted during version 16.0. Since then, zero
news and no change. So, for now, I can't rely on files because there is
*no* way to log to files if you can't safely roll them without bringing
down the server.

On macOS, I saw the system pushing errors and launching workers over and
over until I had to force quit it. Wayne Stewart tried it out on Windows
where it crashed 4D. This is for a Windows deployment, for what it's worth.
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