> As stupid as it sounds, another option is to push the log entries to
something else locally - even a stand-alone built 4D app - and let it write
the disk files.
>  Then you could use a service with a custom agent, like SumoLogic or
Splunk. Actually, that's not a terrible idea at all...who cares if that
data file gets bloaty?
>  Clear it out, throw it out, start a new one.

Now I'm loving this idea. Do a special build to generate a stand-alone log
writer app and message it with HTTP. This tool is functioning as a logging
"agent." There are a lot of advantages to this approach in some

* You can put it on the same machine as the server(s), or not.

* You can send in all sorts of different logging data.

* You can do something smart with the data, like aggregates, if you want
to. (I don't want to, but someone else might like to do that.)

* You completely divide up stashing something in the log "send it to the
log writer" from what happens next. Want to change formats? Services?
Transport mechanisms? It's all right there. So, you could use disk files
one day and switch to HTTP upload the next...or pushing it into Postgres,
or whatever.

* Since the target app is a stand-alone, it can run preemptive processes.
Nice when you're generating log data on 4D Remote which _cannot_ run
preemptive processes.

Yeah, I think this has gone from Plan B to Plan A.

On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 8:28 AM, David Adams <dpad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Not having my server crash sounds like a very good reason to use records.
> > At least until a better solution comes along.
> Plan B in this case is to push the data to Loggly via HTTP.
> As stupid as it sounds, another option is to push the log entries to
> something else locally - even a stand-alone built 4D app - and let it write
> the disk files. Then you could use a service with a custom agent, like
> SumoLogic or Splunk. Actually, that's not a terrible idea at all...who
> cares if that data file gets bloaty? Clear it out, throw it out, start a
> new one.
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