I know that many of you have been on this list for a long time, as have 

I have noticed, over the past couple of years, that the volume of email 
on this list has dropped - a lot -. It used to be, that if I was out of 
the office, or whatever, and unable/unwilling to check email for 1 or 
more days, I could expect to see ~100 emails/day from this list. While 
I have not done an actual count, I believe that currently this list 
sees, on average about 100 emails a week.

While this might be a good thing (less bugs to report/talk about etc), 
I find it troubling in that it likely reflects a significantly 
diminished use of the 4D product.

Thoughts, Anyone?

Gas is for washing parts
Alcohol is for drinkin'
Nitromethane is for racing 
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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