> On Oct 06, 2017, at 11:48 AM, 4d_tech-requ...@lists.4d.com wrote:
> From: Peter Jakobsson <li...@netkelvin.com <mailto:li...@netkelvin.com>>
> To: 4D iNug Technical <4d_tech@lists.4d.com <mailto:4d_tech@lists.4d.com>>
> Subject: Re: [offish]Volume of mail
>> On 5 Oct 2017, at 21:15, Jeffrey Kain via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com 
>> <mailto:4d_tech@lists.4d.com>> wrote:
>> We have a lot of 4D developers working here, but I'm on the only who 
>> participates actively in the list. Also, 4D has a lot fewer "issues" these 
>> days than in the old days.
> I’m probably in this category on both counts.
> I hardly ever post on the list, yet I work in 4D every day.

Several other issues here...

1/ - we’re all swamped by more “messaging” than we can keep up with (at least I 
am).  I point out to friends that 4D has a baseline documentation of 3,000 
pages.  Ouch.

2/ - as products stabilize over time there’s less need to chase odd bugs.  I 
learned my mechanical engineering, debugging skills from my 1953 Chevy.  Today 
I haven’t looked under the hood of my Honda Accord in years.  My son as a 
professional mechanical engineer has never seen a spark plug.

3/ - the 90-9-1 effect.  In social/discussion list forums, it’s quite common 
for 90% of the “members” to be silent lurkers, 9% will post occasionally & 1% 
will keep things moving with good questions & relevant answers.

NOTE: whereas I produced 10% of the message traffic on Peter de Jager’s Y2K 
list, here I probably haven’t posted more than a dozen times.  I’m firmly in 
the 90% class.

I first encountered the 90-9-1 rule-of-thumb when I was a CompuServe CASE Forum 
section leader in early 90s.

Encountered it again at a Mitre presentation on “tagging” in 2008.

Now there’s a Wiki page, so it must be gospel truth.   😳

David Eddy
Babson Park, MA


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