
Thanks a lot for chiming in! It's always good to hear from you guys in the
US office.

I'm not sure what problem your solution is solving. I'm not trying to be
flip, I just want to make sure to focus on the meat of the issue. A really
common approach to log writing is as follows:

Have one process manage the log disk file. So. when that thread starts, it
opens the file, keeps it open, writes to it and can then close it neatly.
You can then have any number of other processes message the "writer" to
stream information to the disk file. Lots of OS-level files, Web servers,
etc. follow this model. Why? Because it is *substantially* faster and
easier than anything else. You completely sidestep race conditions on the
file lock - there's no chance of a race condition because only one process
*ever* opens the file. It's a nice, tidy solution.

That's what I wanted to do with 4D's worker when I first saw them - I
assumed that would be pretty much anyone's impression because it's such a
classic use for a message+worker setup. I was excited because with a
preemptive worker, you could push all of this low-value logging over onto a
secondary core. It's a satisfyingly complete, tidy, and naturally
low-conflict, high-performance solution. That doesn't work in 4D.

Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work. I can easily generate race
conditions from opening and close the file and restarting the worker. This
should be *impossible*. Something is wrong in how 4D is managing file
locks. I don't know what. I start a worker, open a file, write to it, close
the file, kill the worker. The file should be closed. Period. Usually it
is, sometimes it isn't. I have no explanation for this, but it definitively
blows up any plan to use workers for logging via a preemptive process.

John Baughman in his tests thinks that the problem is flooding the worker
and blowing up 4D's via memory exception. Could be. I briefly did a bit of
load testing like that, but not a lot.

So, either way, it doesn't look like 4D's CALL WORKER and worker system is
designed to scale or work safely/reliably under heavy load. I've come to
suspect that it was never intended for such tasks.The lack of a pause
mechanism or a way to count 'queued' entries are telling. They're very
standard (universal) features of a queuing/messaging system, but 4D doesn't
have them or seem to appreciate why you would need them. I've got feature
requests in for this stuff from months ago. Note that if you do any kind of
heavy load, you need to be able to measure the state of a queue to see if
you need to spin up another one. That 4D lacks this feature (or seemingly
interest in such a feature) suggests that I'm off-base to even consider 4D
workers for heavy loads. Just not built for it.

4D never said that their workers were meant for heavy lifting. I think that
they were designed to handle various kinds of UI-related tasks in 4D. I
haven't got much interest in that (I did a bit of a publish-subscribe
system that I showed at 4DMETHOD, that was fun to work through), and I'll
guess that CALL WORKER and CALL FORM are just fine for that.

But for what I need? I have to conclude that 4D isn't the right tool
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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