On Oct 26, 2017, at 1:48 PM, David Conley wrote:

> FWIW, I’ve implemented a method which issues a resume process command for 
> each of my stored procedures.  I invoke it via a new process command using 
> the On Backup Shutdown command.  My backups run once per day so it gives me a 
> clean way of resuming those procedures each day after the backup completes.  
> If they aren’t stuck then no big deal.  If they are then they get resumed.  
> Once completed the process dies.  It was the best solution I could come up 
> with for a work around until the problem is fixed.

HI Dave,

Great idea. But my Stored Procedure usage is more involved than just running 
things once a day. I have some that run every hour. Some that run at certain 
set times each day. So just whacking the server with a hammer once a day to jar 
things loose so they run is not be the best solution for me. I have users that 
expect at certain times for certain things to happen. Automatically everyday. 
If it is an hour late… my phone rings. 

There is nothing super critical in v16 that my clients must have now that 
requires I do whatever is needed to upgrade and deal with this issue. Plus like 
I said before, things are running great now, have been for years, and I’m not 
interested in babysitting my client servers. I’ve got better things to do. 

I know some people are running v16 and having no problems. Some it takes weeks 
or months before it happens. It’s like Russian roulette... maybe you shoot 
yourself, maybe you don’t.

I’m so glad I didn’t jump quickly and upgrade to v16. I almost did. You know 
the old adage: better to be safe than to be sorry. Man… does that apply here.

I am confident that 4D will find this bug and get it fixed. If it takes 6 
months, then my upgrade plans will be on hold for 6 months. I’m in no hurry to 
upgrade right now.


Tim Nevels
Innovative Solutions

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